Moby's Teeny Hole: June 2007

Moby's Teeny Hole

Careful, I will push you into Moby's Teeny Hole. The Few, The Proud...Moby's Teeny Hole.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Professional Carpenter: Smallarina

Smalls: Add this to my lago house list of 'oh man, why am I such a dude?' - my dad and I assembled a large cabinet for Father's day.
J-Rod: Did you wear a toolbelt?
Smalls: haha, no, thank god. if I did, I might as well get the mullet cut and move to VT.

(big ups to JWass for the photoshopping!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Lordess has a new companion

He sings opera, and his name is Trevor.

The Official Chef of MPJ

Friday, June 01, 2007

Truth Serum

Apparently, riding in the PT Cruiser with a bottle of wine is equivalent to a syringe of truth serum for Ms. HED. Example, last night:

HED: We're totally going to the Harry Potter theme park when it opens
JAW: Oh yea we are!!!
HED: I'm going to get a timeshare there!

(2 minutes later)

HED: Sadly, that was the second thing I thought this morning