Moby's Teeny Hole: April 2007

Moby's Teeny Hole

Careful, I will push you into Moby's Teeny Hole. The Few, The Proud...Moby's Teeny Hole.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Olyphant, PA

Where the Lordess gets her Christian on

Sunday, April 29, 2007

WE GOT OUR $1,700!!!!!!!!!

We hear Bev does groups

Is this Beverly Wonkette?

Beverly Wonkette is the MPJ resident slut.

somehow, we always saw her as a blonde....more like the girl in the middle here.

Friday, April 27, 2007

I think you need to know what your options are. You have to try it as least 10 times each before you decide.

Oh SWEET Jesus

That looks like rock candy. I'd stir my coffee with that. Mmmm, sweet coffee.

My hairy areolas are covered in dust mites!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Well! Now that we've established that I save babies for a living and like to "rape" their older brothers (though I'm not quite sure how true that is b/c I do believe that SLaB is an only, but irregardless (Not a word ha!)) I now feel like it's OK for me to continue with the mighty list of 723.

Those of you new to MTH might not know that I refer to the ManniPenny Junction Sexual Manifesto. It's sort of like the Dead Sea Scrolls, it's all been recorded at some point in the history of this great town, but it's up to us...the city council and Supreme Lordess to bring it to the people. So without further adieu, I present....

#15 - I want to eat out of you
#16- Oh! You're on top of me again!
#17- Pinky your enchilada
#18- You are a prince of Egypt. You are a Pharaoh in the land of Canaan
#19- I wanna bathe you
#20- "I had a slippery, slimy blast" "that's what she said"
#21- it's a version of the ....[unintelligible stoned writing, where's the damn Rosetta Stone?]
#22- We like it. No Biting.
#23- I'd eat it, but I don't need it
#24- The things that come out of my mouth!

Only 699 to go!! BRING IT

Monday, April 23, 2007

Talk about Disturbia

It is well known that HED has a totally inappropriate crush on 20-year-old Shia LaBeouf. Some examples, "I want to LeBoff LaBeouf" also feel free to replace Boff, with Bang, and you get the gist.

Well, after going with HED to see Disturbia this weekend, her crush was solidified and then amplified by a report she sent me from People magazine where it was stated that he had already put on 15lbs of muscle to be in the new Indiana Jones movie and planned to add more. What follows is the conversation her and I had about MPJ's Stud of April.

HED: humena humena
me: LOL! Shia LeJACKED!
HED: haha shia le single! if he gets too buff i am def gonna swoon all throughout that movie
me: LOL, Shia LeRoofied
HED: haha TOT roofied WEEEEEEE
me: hahahahaha
HED: (burning in hell)
me: dont hate me, but i am posting this on Moby's
HED: haha ok

Amendment to the post: after HED read it, this was her reply:

HED: You have to fix where it says should be G H WEEEE. ALA GHB or roofies
me: i didn't get that joke and i dont think others will. oh wait, they will when i add all this convo
HED: haha...and let's add another hot pick up there

Ye ask and ye shall receive--something tells me HED will open NAMBLA's sister organization, NAWBLA.

Amendment three:

HED: underooos??
me: i guess! LOL
HED: well done. you are hurting my heart though
me: why? because you don't have him yet?
HED: yes
me: soon enough
HED: and i want to stare at him lustfully during my work hours
me: but you do, right?
HED: no i didn't even see that on until james sent it to me
me: oh, well we all know how u feel apparently
HED: subtlety is not my strong suit
me: yea, when you are planning on how to roofie 20-year-olds. no, subtlety isn't your strong suit
HED: :)

Amendment four:
It was discovered that originally HED's name was posted on our IM conversations, which wouldn't have been good, as she explains to me below.

HED: i'm really glad that when people google my name this is going to show up
me: HAHAHA, oh yea, want me to make them all say HED?
HED: i might have to swap that
me: i'll do it
HED: cuz you know, i do work at unicef!!!
me: true dat! saving babies and raping their hot older brothers
HED: omg! that should be my email signature
me: hahahahaha
HED: and under that would be G H WEEEEE or how about G H Be my valentine?
me: oh yea, i think Hallmark makes those
HED: sadly i bet i could sell those
me: tot......they'd be a big hit at Frats and rape crisis centers
HED: get rich quick scheme numero uno

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


When you are riding in the PT Cruiser it feels like you have nothing but time on your side. It feels like the day isn't 24-hours long and that you can easily fit everything into your day that you need to. The reality is, this is not true. But I guess the question is, why does it feel this way? Perhaps it's because when you look at the initials for Plenty Of Time, you get P-O-T.

Coincidence? I think not

We've got a long way to go...

'Til we hit that magic # 723

Last Update to the MPJSM-#13 on 10 Dec 2006.

We're up to 21 now....see the updated list sooon....

Monday, April 16, 2007

Inappropriate thoughts from Friday

"Whatever, Bindi Irwin's mom is just like, 'Here, have some khaki's!'"
-HED 4/14/07

Adam Levine of Maroon 5 has totally stolen Tom Hanks' look from Philadelphia