Moby's Teeny Hole: August 2006

Moby's Teeny Hole

Careful, I will push you into Moby's Teeny Hole. The Few, The Proud...Moby's Teeny Hole.

Friday, August 25, 2006

What ever happened to...

All this Chuck Norris talk got me googling, and the more I googled, the more I wondered...what ever happened to Seaquest - my beloved Sunday night show? And more specifically, what ever happened to Jonathan Brandis?
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Friday, August 11, 2006

Chuck Norris doesn't use bridges, he treats them like ladies

Who would ever say anything bad about Chuck Norris? Not Me! I'm scared of getting a patented "Chuck Norris Round House Kick" to the head, but I digress. Apparently Chuck is so popular in Hungary that he might be getting a bridge named after him. Think about it, everyone could (finally) go for a ride on Chuck Norris.....although, haven't we all already been there, done that?

Bridge over Danube could be named after Chuck Norris
A new bridge in Hungary could be named after the action film actor Chuck Norris after officials left the naming to an Internet vote. Votes for the Chuck Norris Bridge have so far attracted 11 per cent, of the vote, organized by the Ministry for the Economy. That puts it just ahead of naming the bridge after Hungarian humorist Geza Hofi and three times more popular than naming it after state founder Szent Istvan. Votes can be cast until September 8 on the website There are more that 500 nominations, as well as names referring to delays, such as 'It Will Never Happen Bridge'. A government committee will review the three winning names, as well as other proposals put forward by local governments, cartographers, linguists and others.

The bridge over the Danube is due to open in 2008.

So puhleeze, go and vote-- may not be able to read it, but who cares, Chuck Norris doesn't know how to read--he threatens words into speaking for themselves!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

This is Heed

This is Heed, his owner, Tiffani Kjeldergaard, 40, of Potrero, San Diego, explained: "Munchkins are a breed that have the same mutant gene as little people. But they usually weigh 3-5 lbs and stand at around 6 inches.
"Heed was one of a litter of seven and was the only one with this gene. His mother is a Munchkin and his father is a normal sized cat.
"We called him Heed because he was born with a big head and a tiny body and it reminded us of a line in a Mike Myers film called So I Married an Axe Murderer where he shouts in a Scottish accent, 'Look at the size of his heed!'"


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Del Mangerman

Monday, August 07, 2006

We are Hot Bodies United (HBU)

Del Mangerman is the Vice Mayor of ManiPenny Junction. He looks like Paul Rudd, but he has a long, blonde mullet (Photoshop,please). He is marrying Janni MannetPenny Bono. She will be named Janni MannetPenny Bono Mangerman.

that is all.


What a pig would look like if it fell into Moby's Teeny Hole

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another Moby Wannabe...

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006